Optimization of Lubricant Performance | QuantistryLab Viscosity Simulations LUBRICANTS
Optimization of Lubricant Performance | QuantistryLab Viscosity Simulations LUBRICANTS

Viscosity is an essential property of lubricants when it comes to performance. In this use case, the QuantistryLab platform is used to investigate the viscosity of a high-performance lubricant under a range of conditions using molecular dynamics simulations.

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Modeling Cisplatin Hydrolysis with a Quantum Nanoreactor | QuantistryLab Reaction Discovery
Organic Chemistry
Modeling Cisplatin Hydrolysis with a Quantum Nanoreactor | QuantistryLab Reaction Discovery

The quantum nanoreactor simulates and predicts the results of chemical reactions using metadynamics simulations. In this use case, the QuantistryLab platform is used to study the activation reaction of the anticancer drug cisplatin.

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Optimization of Electrolyte Formulation for Battery Materials: QuantistryLab Viscosity Simulations
Optimization of Electrolyte Formulation for Battery Materials: QuantistryLab Viscosity Simulations

Optimizing electrolyte formulations is essential for the development of high-performance batteries. This use case explores how the QuantistryLab platform enables users to simulate and predict the viscosity of an electrolyte formulation.

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Surface Adsorption of Additives
Surface Adsorption of Additives

To improve their properties, lubricants usually contain various additives. Anti-wear additives, for example, are important for the formation of the protective film. The interaction of the lubricant components with metallic or oxidized surfaces plays a fundamental role in the film formation – and this can be determined using atomistic simulations. The simulations provide in-depth insights into the adsorption of additives on the surfaces, their binding mode and binding strength. The understanding gained can be used to drive the development of new lubricant additives.

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Battery Materials from Trees for a Sustainable Future
Battery Materials from Trees for a Sustainable Future

To make the batteries of the future, R&D scientists are looking at materials sourced from nature. But can sustainable materials truly replace the battery materials we use today?

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Discovering Novel Materials with Quantum Chemistry: A Coffee with Stefan
A Coffee with Quantistry
Discovering Novel Materials with Quantum Chemistry: A Coffee with Stefan

In our interview series, "A Coffee with…," we give the floor to our awesome colleagues. This time, Stefan takes center stage and sheds light on how chemical simulations and quantum chemistry contribute to the discovery of new materials.

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Moving Beyond Serendipity in Science with Simulations, from Quantum to AI
Moving Beyond Serendipity in Science with Simulations, from Quantum to AI

Can multiscale simulations paired with machine learning spell the end for trial and error and usher in a new era of data-driven research & development?

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Machine Learning in Materials Science: What Can It Actually Do?
Machine Learning in Materials Science: What Can It Actually Do?

Machine learning has become a buzzword in all areas of science, and the hype around it can make it difficult to differentiate fact from (science) fiction. When it comes to researching new materials, some scientists believe we are now at the beginning of a second computational revolution at the hands of machine learning. But is that really true?

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The New Way to R&D: Quantistry Grows from Startup to Scaleup
The New Way to R&D: Quantistry Grows from Startup to Scaleup

Quantistry is growing its team as it prepares to scale up operations across all its departments, transforming from startup to scaleup.

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The New Way to R&D: Quantistry Grows from Startup to Scaleup
The New Way to R&D: Quantistry Grows from Startup to Scaleup

Quantistry is growing its team as it prepares to scale up operations across all its departments, transforming from startup to scaleup.

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Press Coverage Recap: Quantistry’s 3M Funding to Reshape Sustainability in R&D
Press Coverage Recap: Quantistry’s 3M Funding to Reshape Sustainability in R&D

With the investment from the previous financing round, we’ve embarked on a new chapter, moving us closer to our dream of transforming R&D. The announcement of this milestone was met with a fantastic response, prompting us to compile all related reports, which we're thrilled to feature in this article.

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Press Coverage Recap: Quantistry’s 3M Funding to Reshape Sustainability in R&D
Press Coverage Recap: Quantistry’s 3M Funding to Reshape Sustainability in R&D

With the investment from the previous financing round, we’ve embarked on a new chapter, moving us closer to our dream of transforming R&D. The announcement of this milestone was met with a fantastic response, prompting us to compile all related reports, which we're thrilled to feature in this article.

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Quantistry Secures €3M Funding
Quantistry Secures €3M Funding

We are happy to celebrate a significant milestone. Thanks to this €3M funding we're set to transform chemical and material R&D through our Quantum and AI-powered platform.

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Quantistry Secures €3M Funding
Quantistry Secures €3M Funding

We are happy to celebrate a significant milestone. Thanks to this €3M funding we're set to transform chemical and material R&D through our Quantum and AI-powered platform.

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Quantistry: Berlin-based software company launches platform for chemical simulations
Quantistry: Berlin-based software company launches platform for chemical simulations

Today Quantistry announces the official launch of its platform „Quantistry Lab“, a digital chemistry lab for material development simulations. Focused markets are primarily battery development, semiconductors, lubricants, optical as well as specialty chemical industries.

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Quantistry: Berlin-based software company launches platform for chemical simulations
Quantistry: Berlin-based software company launches platform for chemical simulations

Today Quantistry announces the official launch of its platform „Quantistry Lab“, a digital chemistry lab for material development simulations. Focused markets are primarily battery development, semiconductors, lubricants, optical as well as specialty chemical industries.

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