

Interview – Oskar Krause

People at Quantistry

Interview – Oskar Krause

November 17, 2022

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Oskar is responsible for online marketing and makes sure that people find their way to us. Learn more about his work and what he thinks about the future of Quantistry.

What are your responsibilities at Quantistry?
I am responsible for online marketing. That means I take care of social media and the website. In doing so, I always keep an eye on the strategic development of our brand.  

What do you think is the biggest strength of the Quantistry Lab compared to competing products?
The biggest strength is the ease of use of our simulations. I originally come from the marketing world and am used to working with digital tools that work intuitively. Therefore, it surprised me that the use of digital tools such as simulations in R&D is not a matter of course. And that the simulation programs that have been available so far are difficult to use. We want to change that and are focusing on the digitization of R&D with the help of simulations that are particularly intuitive and allow easy access.  

What are the next big steps at Quantistry in terms of Marketing?
The next few years will be about expanding our digital presence more. That means developing different formats on social media, reaching more people and continuously optimizing the website. It will also be important to continue to develop the Quantistry brand so that our users enjoy working with us and our solution.  

Where do you see the company in 2025?
By 2025, our simulations will be in use in numerous companies and will take R&D in various industries to the next level, for example in battery or semiconductor development. Research with simulations will make processes faster, more cost-effective and more sustainable. Sustainability in particular will play an immense role in the coming years, and with the Quantistry Lab we have the appropriate answer. Artificial intelligence and quantum computing will also influence the development of our software, as we are already integrating these technologies. All of this will open up new opportunities for our users to find creative solutions and create real innovation. In 2025, Quantistry will continue on its path to establish simulation as a digital tool for sustainable and creative research.  

What are your hobbies?
I love watching movies and series. In between, I also like to read graphic novels or play games on the console. Otherwise, I enjoy lazy afternoons with friends and family.  

What great invention would you like to have invented yourself?
As a child of the 90s and a real TV junkie, I would have loved to invent the television. It gave me so many great moments. I just say:  

»They're Pinky and The Brain,
Yes, Pinky and The Brain …«

Catchy tune, right? You're welcome 😉  

Get in touch

With QuantistryLab, all you need to run chemical simulations is a web browser. Our cloud-native platform redefines R&D with a holistic computational approach, from quantum to AI, and we offer tailored solutions to overcome your specific R&D challenges. ‍

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