

Welcome Interview with Clara

A Coffee with Quantistry

Welcome Interview with Clara

May 16, 2024

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Meet Quantistry’s newest member: Clara! She joins us as a science writer with multiple years of experience in science journalism. Her job will be to make the science behind our platform accessible to audiences of all levels.

Let’s start with the warm-up and a first simple question: Tea, coffee, or water?
I drink tea every day and reserve coffee for the occasional treat.

What would you title your autobiography?
“Where Curiosity Leads”

What was your favorite science class subject?
Definitely biology. I found it fascinating to learn about all the molecules and processes that make it possible for life to exist.

How did you first hear about Quantistry and what made you decide to apply?
I came across the company on LinkedIn and its mission piqued my interest. I was sold when I met my now colleagues during the interview process.  

Cool, let's delve further into your field of work, why did you decide to start a career in science communications?
While training as a scientist, one of my favorite tasks was writing reports, making presentations and explaining the work I was doing. I started writing about science in my spare time, and I enjoyed it so much that I became a science journalist after my studies.  

Having a scientific background has proven incredibly useful in my career as a writer when navigating the complex world of scientific research. I’m excited to get to know all the technical details about the work that Quantistry’s scientists do and share it with the world!

Could you describe the most significant success in your career to date that you are particularly proud of?
“Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.” Jokes aside, I’m very proud of the number of extremely smart and interesting people I’ve had the chance to meet and talk at length with over the years. I’ve learned so much from them!  

And last but not least: Which famous person from any era would you like to have a coffee with?
When I was a kid, I spent so much time reading books about ancient Egypt. So I would love to meet Queen Hatshepsut and ask her all kinds of questions about her society — plus I’d love to find out how music sounded back then, since musical notation didn’t exist yet!

If you enjoyed this  interview, you can discover more thrilling interviews and insights at A Coffee with Quantistry! Explore our blog for more awesome science, and connect with us on LinkedIn to stay up to date on all things Quantistry.

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With QuantistryLab, all you need to run chemical simulations is a web browser. Our cloud-native platform redefines R&D with a holistic computational approach, from quantum to AI, and we offer tailored solutions to overcome your specific R&D challenges. ‍

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