

"Our intention is to become a role model in the field of computational chemistry"

People at Quantistry

"Our intention is to become a role model in the field of computational chemistry"

June 9, 2022

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Amadeus Barth is responsible for the business development and ensures that Quantistry can develop its full potential. Whether it's sales, marketing, PR or CRM: he keeps an eye on everything. In this interview, he tells us what are the most important strengths of Quantistry, where the company wants to go in the upcoming months and years and how he spends his free time when he's not busy with the computational chemistry market.

What are your responsibilities at Quantistry?

I am responsible for the business development at Quantistry, which includes all sales, marketing and PR activities. I am also responsible for the CRM management, including all relevant reportings. In detail, this means that I screen the market, identify companies that could benefit from our solution, look for suitable prospects and get in touch with them.

On the marketing side, my team and I are developing our brand, our website, we develop social media strategies and consider who our target groups are, how they think and behave. I also take care of advertising, which is becoming increasingly relevant to our marketing strategy. The PR section is getting more important, too, as our platform grows in capability and our company continues to grow.

What do you think is the biggest strength of the Quantistry Lab compared to competing products?

First of all, the exceptionally high level of usability in the field of computational chemistry is an absolute novelty. The compatibility of the highest scientific standards with an easy-to-use, cloud-based platform that can be used directly without any installation effort. In addition - from a marketing and sales perspective - we are the only ones in this industry who really act in a commercial-oriented way and systematically open up a growing market.

What are the next big steps at Quantistry in terms of business development?

So far, we have been very field sales oriented. In other words, we identified prospects, approached them on a broad basis, and in this way learned more and more about our potential customers. Meanwhile, we have reached the point where we can target our messages very precisely and tell the right people the right things.

In the upcoming months, we'll be using this know-how to build a digital marketing funnel. In combination with social media and advertising, we bring users directly to our platform, where they can start simulations immediately and for free. I'm very excited to see how this will work out!

Where do you see the company in 2025?

Judging by our conversions, which are 10 to 20 percent depending on the industry, I have no doubt that we will build up a stable user base over the next three years and thus play a decisive role in shaping this new market. Our intention is to become a role model in the field of computational chemistry. In the beginning primarily in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, but we are already talking to leads in other parts of Europe and in China.

Is there one thing about Quantistry that you find particularly cool?

A big reason I started here is the scientific thoroughness with which the development is done. Half of my colleagues are PhD simulation experts who have been working on nothing but this for many years. Combined with a very bright and interested market and an open and relaxed corporate culture, it's just really fun working here!

What are your hobbies?

I do a lot of sports in my free time, I like to ride my bike, go skiing and spend a lot of time with my kids, my family and friends. I love Frank Schätzing, good restaurants, have an unspeakable passion for the Beatles, Mozart and Bruckner. I also like to carpenter from time to time. And traveling, but let's face it, everyone likes that ... 🤷🏻

What do you think is the most important invention of mankind?

Phew, tough question ... since I've been using public transport in Berlin, I'd say FFP2 masks and noise-cancelling headphones 😆 In all seriousness, though, I'd think it was letterpress printing, because it was the essential quantum leap for transferring knowledge en masse and thus enabling innovation on a large scale.

Thanks for your time, Amadeus!

You're welcome.

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With QuantistryLab, all you need to run chemical simulations is a web browser. Our cloud-native platform redefines R&D with a holistic computational approach, from quantum to AI, and we offer tailored solutions to overcome your specific R&D challenges. ‍

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