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Simulations of Chemical Reactions: The Digital Organic Chemist
Simulations of Chemical Reactions: The Digital Organic Chemist

Have you ever hit a dead end in your quest for scientific discovery? Don't fret, we at Quantistry understand the feeling. Overcoming that challenge was the driving force behind the creation of our simulation platform for R&D, QuantistryLab.

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Deloitte’s Quantum Climate Challenge 2023
Deloitte’s Quantum Climate Challenge 2023

Imagine using the power of quantum technology to tackle one of the hardest and most pressing challenges of our time: Climate change.

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Interview – Oskar Krause
People at Quantistry
Interview – Oskar Krause

Oskar is responsible for online marketing and makes sure that people find their way to us. Learn more about his work and what he thinks about the future of Quantistry.

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Interview – Dr. Arturo Robertazzi
People at Quantistry
Interview – Dr. Arturo Robertazzi

Arturo ensures that there is a continuous exchange between Science and Sales & Marketing. Because complex content can only be communicated optimally if both departments speak the same language.

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Chemical simulations with a fresh perspective
People at Quantistry
Chemical simulations with a fresh perspective

Clemens ensures that the Quantistry Lab continues to develop. He identifies potentials, develops ideas, implement them and optimizes the processes within the company. And what he does in his spare time when he's not working on the Quantistry Lab? Find out in the interview.

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Simulation Feature: Optical Response Spectrum
Simulation Feature: Optical Response Spectrum

The "Optical Response Spectrum" feature provides insights into the interaction between light and materials. The results provide valuable knowledge for the electronic and optical industry, e.g. in the development of new solar cells, LEDs, paints or lenses.

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