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A Coffee with Quantistry
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A Marketer Among Scientists: A Coffee with Oskar
A Coffee with Quantistry
A Marketer Among Scientists: A Coffee with Oskar

In our "A Coffee with…" interview series, we give the floor to our awesome colleagues. This time, Oskar takes center stage and sheds light on the marketing of our R&D simulation platform, QuantistryLab.

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Welcome Interview with David
A Coffee with Quantistry
Welcome Interview with David

Meet Quantistry’s newest member: David! He joins us as a scientist specializing in molecular dynamics simulations in materials research. His expertise in computational chemistry will further strengthen our scientific team and drive its expansion.

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Navigating Chemical Space with Simulations and Machine Learning: How Scientists Discover New Materials
Navigating Chemical Space with Simulations and Machine Learning: How Scientists Discover New Materials

Have you ever wondered how scientists discover new materials? You may picture researchers toiling in their lab day and night until one of them has a eureka moment that changes everything. Everyday reality looks a bit different, though.

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Welcome Interview with Clara
A Coffee with Quantistry
Welcome Interview with Clara

Meet Quantistry’s newest member: Clara! She joins us as a science writer with multiple years of experience in science journalism. Her job will be to make the science behind our platform accessible to audiences of all levels.

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The History of Batteries and the Scientists Behind It
The History of Batteries and the Scientists Behind It

You use batteries every day in your smartphone and laptop — but do you know the stories of the scientists behind them? Grab a coffee and lend your ears to our story about the dawn of battery evolution.

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A Software Developer Among Scientists: A Coffee with Clemens
A Coffee with Quantistry
A Software Developer Among Scientists: A Coffee with Clemens

In our "A Coffee with…" interview series, we give the floor to our awesome colleagues. This time, Clemens takes center stage and sheds light on the development of our R&D simulation platform, QuantistryLab.

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