

How Materials Development Benefits from Cloud-Based Simulations


How Materials Development Benefits from Cloud-Based Simulations

April 11, 2022

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Concerns about insufficient data security are the main reason why on-premise software is still dominant in the simulation sector today, despite considerable drawbacks. Cloud-based solutions, on the other hand, are still viewed critically, although the main arguments against this technology can now be easily refuted.

Even though the world is currently talking about quantum computers and the immeasurable advantages this technology will bring one day, it is not yet possible to predict when quantum computers will achieve the technical and associated commercial breakthrough. If one believes the experts who were recently present at Quantum Business Europe, for example, the world will probably have to wait at least another five to ten years.

What is already available without restriction, however, but still far from being fully exploited, is classic cloud computing. Even though the hype about this innovation dates back around ten years, as of today just half of corporate data is stored in the cloud. In discussions with customers, we repeatedly encounter the fear of insufficient IT and data security, with the result that companies still rely on on-premise software and their own clusters - despite enormous acquisition and maintenance costs. At the same time, cloud computing came to a point where the advantages - especially in the simulation area - are clear.

Greater cost efficiency

The cloud eliminates the need to purchase new hardware. This means no investment in a supercomputer or installation of a cluster, and no costs for maintenance or updates. In contrast to on-premise solutions, the cloud enables significantly higher cost efficiency and is therefore the much more customer-centric solution.

Unlimited computing capacity

If computing power is lacking at the crucial moment in R&D, for example because local resources are insufficient, innovations can be slowed down or, in the worst case, even prevented. With the cloud, this risk can be fully eliminated. The Quantistry Lab scales dynamically: the more computing power our customers need, the more we make available in a fully automated manner and, of course, shut it down again once the simulations are complete.

State-of-the-art technology

As a cloud provider, Microsoft ensures that hardware, software and security technologies of the Azure Cloud are always up to date. Our users therefore work with the most modern and powerful technology. What's more, as soon as quantum computers are commercially viable, these resources will be accessible primarily on a cloud basis. Thus, those who already rely on cloud-based simulations today will, in perspective, have no migration effort as soon as the long-awaited QPUs (Quantum Processing Units) come.

Maximum data security

Contrary to popular belief, there is probably no safer place for your data than a professionally operated cloud solution. For this reason, we rely on Microsoft Azure, which has the highest security standards. In addition, our system is multi-tenant and allows for separate storage of customer data. It is even possible to determine the geographical location of the data center, so that legal security can be guaranteed at all times.

Optimal for selective needs

Typically, simulation needs in industry arise very selectively, mostly at the beginning of the research & development process, while laboratory-based work predominates in later phases. This basically speaks against the acquisition of own hardware and for the use of a dynamic cloud solution. The latter makes it possible to cover these peaks in demand simply and economically.

“For a long time, computational chemistry was the preserve of large corporations that had to invest millions of euros in hardware, software and specialist staff. With our cloud-based solution, companies of all sizes are enabled for the first time to use simulations in a easy manner and thus to substantially optimize their R&D processes in terms of cost and time.

Dr. Marcel Quennet | CEO & Co-Founder at Quantistry

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With QuantistryLab, all you need to run chemical simulations is a web browser. Our cloud-native platform redefines R&D with a holistic computational approach, from quantum to AI, and we offer tailored solutions to overcome your specific R&D challenges. ‍

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