November 25, 2024
Arturo ensures that there is a continuous exchange between Science and Sales & Marketing. Because complex content can only be communicated optimally if both departments speak the same language.
What are your responsibilities at Quantistry?
I act as a bridge between science and Sales&Marketing. I see this challenge as translating machine language into human language. I love it. I have done this several times in my career: Take even the hardest-to-grasp scientific topics and turn them into appealing evidence-based stories. It is needed. And it is fun.
What do you think is the biggest strength of the Quantistry Lab compared to competing products?
The simplicity. And as someone famous once said: »You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.« (Steve Jobs) Quantistry deals with quantum mechanics, classical physics, machine learning… We take these layers of various complexities, blend them, and produce the most intuitive digital lab available on the market. I am impressed with the level that Quantistry has already reached. I hope that my contribution will help Quantistry fly even higher.
What are the next big steps at Quantistry in terms of Scientific Marketing and Sales?
I think Quantistry has done a great job so far. I am impressed with the number of customers we already working with and… their names. These are big companies! What I would like to do is to optimize the information flow from the scientific side of the company towards Sales&Marketing. We have a strong scientific expertise. It is a goldmine. We need to dig more into that and translate it into a loud and clear output to the world.
Where do you see the company in 2025?
Uh, wow. Predicting the future is a difficult task! I like to dream big. I am sure that “quantum topics” will become crucial to our society and people will have to familiarize themselves with it. Now, learning quantum chemistry, chemical simulations, quantum computing can be disheartening. It can be a strenuous journey. For the quantum-rookies, there is a lot of information out there. One does not know where to begin. I want Quantistry to become the scientific cultural pole in the quantum realm. You want to learn about it? Give us a call.
What are your hobbies?
I like riding my motorbike to summer destinations. I love reading fiction, cosmology, psychology… But the hobby, which is not a hobby, rather a night job, to which I give most of my after-work energy is writing. One of my stories has already been published in Italy and Germany a few years ago; I am now working on a second novel, which, ironically, has a lot to do with Quantistry. The novel is set in the 20’s in Berlin and, among other things, describes the birth of quantum mechanics. Pretty cool, right?
What great invention would you like to have invented yourself?
Well, not sure if it is an invention, more of a discovery… but staying on the same topic, I would answer: The Schrödinger equation, one of the major steps towards a quantum-mechanical view of the universe. Perhaps more than the discovery itself, what attracts me is the cultural surrounding... The late 20’s, the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. Einstein, Max Planck, and (later) Schrödinger… everybody was here in the “metropolis.” It would have been great to witness such an incredible intellectual explosion.